The pivotal link between “selling” and “value creation” lies in the art of asking insightful questions. A skilled salesperson goes beyond the transactional exchange and seeks to understand the customer’s unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. By asking insightul questions, you get to the core motivations and pain points of your community. This not only enhances the sales process but also positions you as a trusted advisor and helps you increase sales. In doing so, the bridge is constructed to not just meet immediate demands but to create lasting value. Your business thrives on the interconnected fabric of purpose and revenue, and these strategic questions align sales efforts with a purpose-driven ethos. The result is a harmonious synergy where sales and value creation converge, fostering not only financial success but also a deeper, more meaningful connection between you and your clients.

Last week, we took a moment to infuse our days with purpose by asking, “How can I be useful today?”. If you missed it you can read the post here. It’s a simple yet profound question that aligns our energy with the intention of being a Value Creator for the people in our lives. Today, I’m sharing another layer of wisdom that reshaped my 20+ years in the field of sales—a gem of advice from none other than the esteemed Dan Sullivan. As the kids say, he’s the G.O.A.T when it comes to entrepreneurial coaching. 

For one transformative and infinitely impactful year, I had the extraordinary privilege of being personally mentored by Dan Sullivan, a luminary among entrepreneurial coaches worldwide. Picture this: we were gearing up for a Facebook Live interview on our company’s channel, and that’s when Dan casually dropped a golden nugget that has lived rent-free in my mind ever since:

“Tara, if you want to be successful…ask great questions.”

Confession time: Initially, I wasn’t entirely sure how to digest this information. I was overthinking it and trying too hard, but with time, this became the guiding voice in my head. I began recognizing Great Questions not only when I heard them but also when I stumbled into one. You know when you’ve asked a great question when the recipient needs to pause and talk through their response. 

Great Questions, I discovered, hold the power to swing open the door to the most vulnerable parts of ourselves. They weave the fabric of trust, earn respect, and ignite action.

 It’s a dance of curiosity and connection that transforms the sales landscape from a transactional space to one of genuine, authentic relationships.

Consider, for a moment, the question we explored last week: “How can I be useful today?” This, my friends, is a prime example of a Great Question. It transcends the mundane checklist of tasks; it’s an inquiry into how we can genuinely contribute to the lives of others. It’s the difference between having to write a newsletter or a social media post and being a Value Creator. But, as my mentor taught me, the magic doesn’t stop there.

Let’s loop this wisdom back into sales – the arena where we navigate the intricate dance of relationships and transactions.

Asking Great Questions, as emphasized by Dan Sullivan, unveils the secret to mastering the third pillar of Conscious Sales—the pathway to maximizing existing resources and reaping the rewards of our lead generation efforts. This is where the rubber meets the road, where the true return on investment begins to materialize.

Now, let me share a puzzle my brain needed to figure out: How could I structure my sales process to be as transformational as coaching while simultaneously achieving the results I was looking for. There’s an important integration here, because without the sales-specific expertise many entrepreneurs inadvertently create an open loop that leads to endless follow-up and frustration that needs to be closed.

It was a fascinating journey of connecting the dots.

You see, coaches excel because they ask great questions that guide individuals toward self-discovery and growth. And, in the realm of sales, achieving success is not merely about closing deals but about building meaningful connections.

Great questions become the bridges that span the gap between transaction and relationship.

In the various facets of the sales process, great questions play a pivotal role:

1. Discovery Calls

These calls are the heartbeat of sales, a time to unravel the layers of your prospect’s needs and aspirations. Great questions during discovery calls are your first opportunity to create a cocoon of trust and openness. Beyond the surface, these questions invite your prospect to share their deeper thoughts, setting the stage for a profound and authentic relationship.

2. Objection Handling

Objections are simply a series of questions that have been left unanswered. Far from being roadblocks, they are signposts pointing toward a more informed approach. Great questions help you delve into the root of objections, turning challenges into opportunities. Craft questions that uncover the motivations behind objections, allowing you to address them effectively and build a bridge toward a successful sale.

3. Understanding Personality Types

People communicate differently, and great questions help decode the personality types of your prospects. This understanding allows you to tailor your approach for maximum impact, adapting your communication style to resonate with them on a deeper level.

4. Ethical Sales Closures

The art of ethical sales closure relies on asking great questions. Instead of applying high-pressure tactics, focus on questions that guide your prospect toward a decision aligned with their needs and values. These questions prompt reflection, empowering your prospect to take ownership of their choices and fostering satisfaction and trust in the sales process.

So, as we navigate through another week, here’s a reflection for you: 

What are three questions I can ask my prospect during our discovery call that will create an environment of trust and strengthen our relationship?

In conclusion, the journey in sales becomes a richer tapestry when guided by the compass of great questions. They infuse warmth and intentionality into your approach, leading to profound and lasting results as a Value Creator. Until next time, happy questioning and selling! 🚀